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發表於 2019-10-4 15:22:29 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Trans Canada Guppy Group
China Recreational Angling AssociationGuppy Association
China Guppy Development Club
China Guppy Club
Guangdong Province Aquatic Association
Taiwan Guppy Master Society
Taiwan Guppy Popularize Association
Florida Fancy Guppies Club

Dear friends,
You are aware of the recent meeting todiscuss the rules of the IKGH. There is one item that affects specifically thenone European guppy club members and so I write to you all personally to betterexplain the item.
Many Europeans regard the EuropeanChampionship a championship of European members and not a kind of WorldChampionship organised in Europe with entries from all over the world. This isanother competition arranged by out WGA friends. There is a subtle differencein the English language that could mean that the European Championship could beeither. The matter was raised at the meeting so that clarity can be given inorder to stop the argument.
The decision made is that the European Championship is a'Championship of European guppy breeders' competition therefore excludesnone Europeans. This is something that many members strongly disagree with.
The proposal was therefore agreed that anyone in theworld is accepted and indeed welcomed at the European shows. They can still winthe classes, and even the show, all as would be normally expected. However,when the points are processed afterwards for each breeder in the EuropeanChampionship, none Europeans will be excluded.
The good news is that there will nowbe two more competitions, calculated from the same show. We shall have an IKGHAsian Championship and also an IKGH Americas or Western HemisphereChampionship. When we process the points from the show, there will be one listof European breeders, one list of Asian Breeders and another list of Americas /Western Hemisphere breeders. Three competitions from one show !
All breeders will still have to enter4 shows to have the points added from the minimum of 4 shows.
Participants must be members of anIKGH member Club.
Participants must enter and complywith all requirements and rules of the individual EC shows.
Participants must have results from aminimum of 4 EC shows to be included in the IKGH championships.
All competitors will receive acertificate as per the EC rules.
An IKGH Championship trophy will beawarded to the Broad tail champion, Sword tail champion and Short tail Championof both the pairs competition and the Trio competition.
I hope that all makes sense to you. If there are anyquestions please let me know.
I hope that this new set of rules isto your liking. It only really affects those who already send fish to ourEuropean shows. Personally I think it is a good solution, I hope that youagree.
It is my hope that you none Europeanclubs will cooperate in the future to arrange your own IKGH Championshipsoutside Europe based upon the IKGH rules. I know that there are threeconsiderations that will have to be dealt with for this. Firstly the extendedfin guppies do not have IKGH standards. I am in the process of writing somestandards in the IKGH format that might be considered. ( My understanding isthat there is a legal problem in several European countries that prevents thesebeing even owned in Europe. ) Secondly I know there are issues with the ‘allglass tanks’ rule. I think this can be easily overcome. The other problem issimply the number of entries often received in none European shows makes itunreasonable and impractical to judge and point every entry. This item requiressome careful thought ! There may be other problems that you know will have tobe discussed, but this is for the future.
Best regards
Steve Elliott
IKGH President

Trans Canada Guppy Group加拿大孔雀魚傳播社
China Recreational Angling AssociationGuppy Association中國孔雀魚休閒釣魚協會
China Guppy Development Club中國孔雀魚發展俱樂部
China Guppy Club中國孔雀魚俱樂部
Guangdong Province Aquatic Association廣東省水族協會
Taiwan Guppy Master Society台灣孔雀魚大師協會
Taiwan Guppy Popularize Association台灣孔雀魚發展協會
Florida Fancy Guppies Club佛羅里達孔雀魚俱樂部
歐洲孔雀魚協會(IKGH)做出的決定是,歐洲孔雀魚錦標賽是“歐洲孔雀魚玩家錦標賽”, 許多會員強烈反對排除任何(非歐洲人)參賽。
我希望這些非歐洲孔雀魚俱樂部成員今後都能互相合作,在歐洲以外的國家, 用歐洲孔雀魚比賽規則來辦你們國家當地的歐洲孔雀魚錦標賽。我知道有三個問題需要處理。
首先,歐洲孔雀魚協會還沒有擴展鰭(冠尾, 半月, 緞帶/燕尾組)的比賽評分標準。我正在編寫一些可以供作參考的歐洲孔雀魚比賽評分標準。(我的理解是,一些歐洲國家存在一個正當性的問題,這些新尾型甚至不允許在歐洲孔雀魚比賽場上出現或擁有。)第二,我知道“全玻璃製缸子”的規則有問題。我認為這倒是很容易克服。(歐洲孔雀魚協會規定只能用全玻璃式的比賽缸, 但像加拿大因為氣溫低, 他們因地制宜, 改用壓克力缸)。
另一個問題是,非歐洲孔雀魚錦標賽經常收到的參賽魚的組數過多, 使得評分不合理和不切實際(因為時間的限制, 無法每缸都有分數)。這個專案需要更慎重考慮及討論!可能還有其他問題,你知道將來我們必須更慎重討論。
Steve Elliott史蒂夫·愛略特


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