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中國化石爬行類及其近親The Chinese Fossil Reptiles and Their kin(En...

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The Chinese Fossil Reptiles and Their kin (second edition)

  • 作 者:Li Jinling,Wu Xiaochun,Zhang Fucheng著
  • 出 版 社:科學出版社
  • 出版時間:2008-9-1
  • 版 次:1
  • 頁 數:473  
  • 印刷時間:2008-9-1
  • 開 本:16開
  • 紙 張:膠版紙
  • 印 次:1
  • I S B N9787030212894
  • 包 裝:精裝
  • 語言: 英文版

Fifteen years have past since the firstedition of The Chinese Fossil Reptiles and Their Kins was published. Like itsfirst edition, this second edition remains to serve as an introductory manualof the Chinese lower vertebrate fossils and primitive birds for paleontologistsand non-professionals alike.
  This thoroughly revised and updated edition has incorporated 172 new genera and 219 new species discovered in the past 15 years in China. Most of them came fromthe materials collected during the China-Canada Dinosaur Project in northwestern China, the Jehol Biota in northern China, the Dashankou Fauna inGansu, and the Triassic marine fauna in Guizhou.
  In addition,cladograms are introduced in the new edition, representing our current understanding of the relationships within the Amphibia,Anapsida, Diapsida,Squamata, the basal groups of Lep dosauromorpha,Archosauromorpha,Crocodylomorpha, Pterosauria, Ornithischia,Saurischia, Aves, and Synapsida.Linnaean system of classification,however, is retained in this edition.


Introduction (The first edition, 1992)
Institutional abbreviations
Order Temnospondyli
Family Brachyopidae
Family Metoposauridae
Superfamily Mastodonsauroidea
Family Heylerosauridae
Family Mastodonsauridae
Superfamily Dissorophoidea
Family Dissorophidae
Subclass Lissamphibia Preface

Introduction (The first edition, 1992)
Institutional abbreviations
Order Temnospondyli
Family Brachyopidae
Family Metoposauridae
Superfamily Mastodonsauroidea
Family Heylerosauridae
Family Mastodonsauridae
Superfamily Dissorophoidea
Family Dissorophidae
Subclass Lissamphibia
Superorder Caudata
Order Urodela
Family Cryptobranchidae
Family? Salamandridae
Superorder Salientia
Order Anura
Family Alytidae
Family Pelobatidae
Family Bufonidae
Family Ranidae
Superorder Reptiliomorpha
Order Anthracosauria
Family Chroniosuchidae
Suborder Seymouriamorpha
Family Discosauriscidae
Family Kotlassiidae
Subclass Anapsida
Family Bolosauridae
Suborder Procolophonia
Family Procolophonidae
Suborder Pareiasauroidea
Family Pareiasauridae
Order Testudines
Infraorder Rhaptochelydia
  Gigaorder Casichelydia
   Suborder Cryptodira
    Family Chengyuchelyidae
   Hyperorder Daiocryptodira
    Parvorder Eucryptodira
Family Sinochelyidae
Family Xinjiangchelyidae
Unranked taxon Centrocryptodira
Family Sinemydidae
Superfamily Triohychoidea
Family Adocidae
Family Nanhsiungchelyidae
Family Carettochelyidae
Family Trionychidae
Superfamily Testudinoidea
Family Lindholmemydidae
Family Emydidae
Family Testudinidae
  Order Captorhinomorpha
   Family Captorhinidae
Subclass Diapsida
  Order Choristodera
   Family Champsosauridae
Family Monjurosuchidae
Infraclass Lepidosauromorpha
  Superorder Lepidosauria
   Order Rhynchocephalia
    Family Sphenodontidae
   Order Squamata
Infraorder Scincomorpha
Family Polyglyphanodontidae
Family? Paramacellodidae
Infraorder Anguimorpha
Family Anguidae
Family Carusiidae
Family Xenosauridae
Family Helodermatidae
Family Varanidae
Marine diapseds
Infraclass Archosauromorpha
Order Crocodylonorpha
Order Pterosauria
Order Saurischia
Subclass Symapsida
Literature cited
Systematic index
A comparative listof the locality in Chinese phonetic alphabet(CPA)and conventional English(CE)


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